Essential Oil Anointer


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Cynthia Olivera

Educational Director for Wisdom of the Earth, Medicine Woman and Sacret Anointer

About Cynthia...

Cynthia J. Olivera is the Educational Director of Wisdom of the Earth Oils, an internationally known purveyor of pure, unadulterated essential oils. Her teaching, conducted internationally since 2005, includes training and certifying students in numerous private retreats and over Zoom. The desire to learn about the oils has inspired many people to embark on a path of conscious co-creation with the oils through understanding, engaging, and investing their consciousness in the process of Anointing. My Journey Cynthia, a medicine woman and sage, teaches people to use medicinal essences to help shift old paradigms and patterns for dynamic self-healing, self-love, and self-compassion. Her perspective evolved from her roots as the granddaughter of curanderos and a deep, esoteric connection to the Tree of Life, the sacred carrier of all earth wisdom of the Great Mother. She is the great matriarch of our planet and the source of the holy mysteries. Her book, The Book of Anointing, gives insight into her journey and collects the important and ever-evolving compendium of earth wisdom she works with daily. It helps others feel comfortable developing a unique, experiential well of knowledge based on her initial guidance, in fact and form, and then from their own inner work. Beginners and advanced individuals and practitioners can enjoy the different sections and the whole collective of her writings and reflections, as well as potent excerpts from several world-famous contributors.

Hydrolat Spray

A beautiful, purely organic, bio-dynamic Lavender Hydrolat spray.

The Book of Anointing

"A Divine Rebellious Act of Love" By Cynthia J Olivera The Book of Anointing is a spiritual journey into the rebellious art of sacred anointing.

Consultation and Spiritual Reading:

with Cynthia Oilvera

with love,

Mellisa Bottali